NYSDOT Spearheads Project to Harden Infrastructure…
April 21, 2021The New York State Department of Transportation is heading up a $5.4 million project to “harden” a local roadway against More

Caltrans: Rebuilt Section of Highway 1…
March 17, 2021Recent hydrological studies indicate to the California Department of Transportation that it can rebuild a washed-out section of the famed More

Nevada DOT Roadway Work Includes Floodplain…
February 24, 2021Department of Transportation launches the “next phase” of major reconstruction of Great Basin Boulevard and East Aultman Street in Ely, More

Oregon DOT Begins Work on Bridge…
January 27, 2021The Oregon Department of Transportation contractor has officially started work on a series of “bridge bundles” associated with the Southern More

Oregon DOT: More Landslides May Occur…
January 20, 2021The Oregon Department of Transportation noted in a recent blog post that landslides could increase in 2021 due to topographical More

Real-Time Storm Force Prediction Model for…
January 13, 2021Dr. Teng Wu, Mr. Shaopeng Li, and Dr. Kallol Sett from the Institute of Bridge Engineering at University at Buffalo More

Universities Join Forces to Test Resiliency…
November 4, 2020In a study published in the Journal of Structural Engineering, Texas A&M University and the University of Colorado-Boulder researchers have conducted More

After Bush Fire, Arizona DOT Pivots…
September 9, 2020When combined with fire-ravaged terrain, heavy rain creates a whole new set of highway maintenance issues. [Above photo courtesy of More

ETAP Podcast: Hawaii DOT’s Ed Sniffen
September 2, 2020In this episode of the Environmental Technical Assistance Program or ETAP podcast, host Bernie Wagenblast interviews Ed Sniffen (seen above), More

State DOTs on the Front Lines…
August 26, 2020State department of transportation crews along the Gulf Coast prepared for the arrival of two potentially dangerous storms this week More

Lake Resiliency Project in New York…
August 26, 2020A new $2.67 million project designed to boost flood resiliency at Irondequoit Bay State Marine Park in upstate New York More

Colorado DOT Works to Minimize Monsoon…
August 5, 2020As state departments of transportation along the East Coast sharpen their disaster plans ahead of the peak point of the More

Caltrans Issues Final Two of 12…
July 22, 2020The California Department of Transportation recently finalized and issued the last two of 12 district-based Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Reports; More

Dual Disaster Handbook Offers Practical Guidance…
June 16, 2020Effectively managing a state transportation department is hard enough. Leading a state DOT through a crisis is tougher. But what More

FEMA Issues COVID-19/Hurricane Response Guidance
June 2, 2020The Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued a 59-page document that provides Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial or SLTT More

Hawaii DOT Studies Potential Flooding Impact…
May 27, 2020The Hawaii Department of Transportation is looking at a range of studies that examine how the potential for sea level More

Recordings Available for AASHTO COIVD-19 Virtual…
May 6, 2020The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently made recordings available of its weekly series of COVID-19 “virtual More

AASHTO Committee Sponsors COVID-19 Panel Series
April 7, 2020The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Committee on Transportation System Security is sponsoring a series of “virtual More

The Ray: Fast Lane to Innovation
March 19, 2020Imagine a highway that uses technology to track motor vehicles along an18-mile span ― that uses existing vehicle infrastructure to More
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