The most recent episode of “The Stream by AASHTO” podcast examines how cadaver dogs can play a key role in identifying buried remains and culturally sensitive artifacts during transportation projects.
[Above image by the U.S. Dept. of Defense]
“The Stream by AASHTO” podcast is part of the AASHTO Environmental Management technical service program for state departments of transportation. It explores a wide array of environmental topics that affect transportation and infrastructure programs.

On this podcast episode, Jen Anderson with the Texas Department of Transportation discusses how cadaver dogs are one of the many archaeological resources the agency deploys as part of its transportation initiatives.
She noted that the exceptional sense of smell of cadaver dogs helps TxDOT locate historic and prehistoric resources – especially ancient burial grounds – ensuring that significant cultural sites are preserved.
She notes that teams of archaeologists and historians as well as environmental scientists work with TxDOT engineers every day to plan around the state’s historic and natural cultural resources before the construction of roads and bridges begins.
To listen to the full podcast episode, click here. To access the full archive of “The Stream by AASHTO” podcasts, click here.

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