USDOT Announces $802 Million to Repair Roads and Bridges Damaged by Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather Events (USDOT news release)
A Map That Visualizes Walkable Neighborhoods Across the US (Bloomberg MapLab)
Kentucky Issues State Funds for River Port Projects (AASHTO Journal)
How Architecture Impacts Everyone, Every Day (Holy Cross Magazine)
EV Charging Business Is About More Than Just Electricity (Government Technology)
Nationwide Port Emissions Screening For Berthed Vessels: Prioritizing US Port Electrification To Improve Air Quality For Near-Port Communities (The International Council on Clean Transportation)
How Can Airports Be More Inclusive For People With Invisible Disabilities? (WXVU Radio (link to audio))
Mapping transit equity as the region’s ridership rebounds (Greater Greater Washington)
Invasive vegetation management post-fire could cost $13 million (Buffalo (WY) Bulletin)
NCDOT Culvert Inspection Team Uncovers History (AASHTO Journal)
Virginia's Eastern Shore looking to convert old railroad corridor into trail for residents and visitors (WHRO Radio (link to audio))
Burlington, VT Airport makes progress on sound mitigation (The Other Paper)
Gender-Inclusive Transportation Safety (TRB (webinar))
Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Charging Technologies and Infrastructure Needs (FHWA (Notice))
Notification of Request for Nominations to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (EPA (Notice))
Notice of Final Federal Agency Action on the Authorization for the New England Wind Farm and New England Wind Project (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers))
Notice of Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting (Surface Transportation Board (Notice))