USDOT Issues More Than $2.2B in RAISE Grants (AASHTO Journal)
USDOT Offering Over $5B in Multimodal Project Grants (AASHTO Journal)
PHMSA Proposes HazMat Rail Shipment Reporting Rule (AASHTO Journal)
Re:source Podcast: Hawaii Paving Industry Talks Plastic Roads (AASHTO Journal)
Indianapolis Int’l Pioneers Use of Carbon Capture for Runway Project (Airport Improvement)
The Hazy Days of Summer (The New Yorker)
EPA closes civil rights investigation into Louisiana pollution (Washington Post)
Legislature overrides veto of bill cutting wetland regulation (Coastalreview.org)
The Forgotten History Of Highway Photologs (MIT Technology Review)
CB Radios Not Yet Obsolete; Veteran Truckers Say They’re Still Useful (Cowboy State Daily)
New York Politicians Urge Governor To End Non-essential Helicopter Flights (Quiet Communities (blog))
Connecticut offering vouchers for residents to buy e-bikes (New Haven Independent)
Street lighting is crucial for cyclists and pedestrians (North Shore News)
New U.S. Bicycle Route connects Hope and East Hope, Idaho (Bonner County Daily Bee)
Advancing Health and Resilience in the Gulf of Mexico Region: Roadmap for Progress (National Academies)
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on the Central Business District Tolling Program, New York, New York (FHWA (Notice of limitation on claims for judicial review of actions by FHWA and other Federal agencies))
Testing Provisions for Air Emission Sources; Correction (EPA (Final rule; correcting amendment))
Pipeline Safety: Gas Pipeline Leak Detection and Repair (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (Notice of proposed rule))
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Experimental Populations (Fish and Wildlife Service (Final rule))
Notice of Availability of Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions (United States Postal Service (Notice))