DOT Report to Congress: Decarbonizing U.S. Transportation (USDOT (link to PDF))
Utah DOT Deploys Weather-Resistant Asphalt for Roads (AASHTO Journal)
ADOT reports recovering millions for damage to Arizona highways (Daily Independent)
Washington State Ferries announces partnership for new hybrid-electric vessels (Washington State Department of Transportation (media release))
State accepting applications for innovative sustainability projects for airports (Washington State Department of Transportation (media release))
US Public EV Chargers Set to Surpass Gas Stations in Eight Years (Bloomberg Green)
Oklahoma DOT Earns National Accolades For Beautification Efforts (Oklahoma DOT (media release))
NOAA announces nearly $220 million for transformational habitat restoration and coastal resilience projects (NOAA (media release))
BLM issues decision on herbicides to control noxious and invasive weeds (Bureau of Land Management (media release))
The federal government is giving away a northern Wisconsin lighthouse, but with strings attached (Green Bay Press Gazette)
Infrastructure woes around New Orleans ahead of Super Bowl (WWL-TV (video))
Nationwide long-distance bicycle route expands in the West (Wyoming Public Radio)
Atlanta Cyclists Warn of E-Bike Dangers on Shared Paths (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Crowdsourcing Meets Transportation Planning With Bike And Pedestrian Data Counts (Crossroads (blog))
Day-to-Day Practices to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Asphalt (TRB (webinar))
Understanding Airport Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports, Second Edition (ACRP)
TRB's National Summit on the Future of the Transportation Workforce (TRB (event announcement))
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Approval of Herbicide Active Ingredients for Use on Public Lands (Bureau of Land Management (Notice of availability))
Air Plan Approval; GA; Revisions to the State Implementation Plan Gasoline Transport Vehicles and Vapor Collection Systems Rule (EPA (Final rule))
Federal Management Regulation; Accessibility Standard for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way; Correction (GSA (Final rule; correction))