Modernizing NEPA Challenge (USDOT Office of the Secretary)
Making Good on the Potential of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Thought Leadership Series Final Report (USDOT Volpe Center)
U.S. Department of Energy to define sustainable maritime fuel (Transportation Today)
Federal Surface Transportation Agencies Issue Updated Guidance for Section 139 Environmental Review and Permitting Process (National Law Review (opinion))
Exploring Texas Growth as a Test for NEPA and Environmental Justice (Environment+Energy Leader (opinion))
Charting a Course to Greener Highways (FHWA Innovator)
Santa Barbara Airport Attempts to Avoid Drowning (Santa Barbara Independent)
Wisconsin EV owners to pay more taxes to recharge on the road in 2025 (Wisconsin Public Radio)
King County Metro Vanpool to add 120 more electric vehicles (King County (media release))
Rethinking I-94: Bridging Communities, Rebuilding Connections (MSR News Online)
FHWA Issues $125M in Wildlife Crossing Project Grants (AASHTO Journal)
Exploring the controversy behind Navajo Bridge's original name (Arizona DOT (podcast))
San Francisco's 'war on cars' gets even more intense as threats of violence fly (San Francisco Chronicle)
Four New Routes Added to U.S. Bicycle Route System (AASHTO Journal)
Radioactive Road in Florida Approved by EPA (ClearTechnica)
California State Nonroad Engine Pollution Control Standards; Small Off-Road Engines Regulations; Notice of Decision (EPA (Notice of decision))
California State Motor Vehicle and Engine Pollution Control Standards; Advanced Clean Cars II; Waiver of Preemption; Notice of Decision (EPA (Notice of decision))
Emergencies and the National Environmental Policy Act Guidance (Council on Environmental Quality (Notice))
Public Meetings of the Advisory Committee on Landslides (Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Notice of public meetings))
Whiskeytown Unit, Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area; Bicycling (National Park Service (Proposed rule))