Senate Passes WRDA Bill That Contains TIFIA Reform (AASHTO Journal)
Supreme Court dismisses constitutional claim in California air pollution case (Los Angeles Times)
NEPA Overhaul Likely After D.C. Circuit Court Decision (EHS Daily Advisor (opinion))
Working Together: Rethinking Arterials in the St. Louis Region (The Stream by AASHTO (podcast))
Are airports greenwashing their reputations as sustainable? (CBS News Chicago (video))
Reflections from a retiring DOT environmental policy leader (Talking Michigan Transportation (podcast))
Transportation organizations from eight states ask governors to delay electric truck regulations (ROI-NJ)
The Electric Vehicle Transition Could Improve Human Health (Chemical Engineering Progress)
Ahead for EVs: Travel Centers, a Single Charging Standard (Government Technology)
New Emissions Barges Readied to Help California Ports Meet New Rules (Maritime Executive)
Transportation equity data available in newly updated USDOT online tool (Smart Cities Dive)
$4M boost for University of Michigan’s environmental justice hub (Planet Detroit)
Transit’s Role in Addressing Homelessness (TransitCenter)
When Building Wildlife Crossing Structures, Consider Climate Change (The Wildlife Society)
Why Airport Architects Don’t Want Travelers to Depend on Signs (Wall Street Journal (video))
Winter Cyclists Test Out New Chicago Bike Lanes (Planetizen)
Developing a Strategy to Evaluate the National Climate Assessment (National Academies)
Effects of American Indian Treaties on Development and Operation of Transportation Facilities (NCHRP)
Fuel shifts reduce most of the greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in the United States (Communications Earth & Environment)
Emergencies and the National Environmental Policy Act Guidance (Council on Environmental Quality (Notice))
Section 139 Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decisionmaking and One Federal Decision Interim Final Guidance (FHWA, FRA, and FTA (Notice; request for comments))
Notice of Proposed Buy America Waiver for Battery Electric Minibuses and Request for Comment (FTA (Notice of proposed Buy America waiver and request for comment))
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; FMVSS No. 305a Electric-Powered Vehicles: Electric Powertrain Integrity Global Technical Regulation No. 20 Incorporation by Reference (NHTSA (Final rule))
Ensuring Safe Accommodations for Air Travelers With Disabilities Using Wheelchairs (Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation (Final rule))
Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation (Final rule))
Commercial Driver’s License: Application for Exemption; American Public Transportation Association (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Notice of application for exemption; request for comments))
USDOT Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Interim Guidelines (Office of the Secretary, DOT (Notice of availability; request for comments))
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Columbia River System Operations (U.S. Army Corps of (Notice))
Meeting of the Local Government Advisory Committee (EPA (Notification of public meeting))
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area; Bicycling (National Park Service (Final rule))
United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration; Nuclear Ship Savannah; Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Notice; issuance))
Pipeline Safety: Meeting of the Liquid and Gas Pipeline Advisory Committees (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (Notice))