USDOT Unveils National V2X Deployment Plan (AASHTO Journal)
Understanding the Carbon Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging ( Environment + Energy Leader)
Get the facts before supporting electric vehicles (Tribune Democrat (opinion))
After Nike Leaders Promised Climate Action, Their Corporate Jets Kept Flying -- and Polluting (ProPublica)
Will 2028 Olympics Energize L.A.’s Race to Zero Emissions? (Government Technology)
Chicago’s unique bike giveaway program is a win for mobility justice (Next City Stacker)
Offensive names dot the American street map − a new app provides a way to track them (The Conversation)
Dodger Stadium gondola: Judge rejects lawsuit from project's opponents (City News Service)
Right on Red: The Culture War Comes for Traffic Lights (Politico Magazine (commentary))
How The Government Canceled Classic Muscle Cars (Motorious (commentary))
‘Yield to Your Neighbor’ Campaign Promotes Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Brown County, WI (WTAQ-WLUK Radio)
Fairfax County’s Plan for Active Transportation (Fairfax County Government NewsCenter)
The biking boom: Expanding bicycling in the National Capital Region (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Think Regionally (podcast))
Corporate denial of aircraft noise pollution (Quiet Communities (opinion))
New CEQ Regulations Effects on Transportation Industry (TRB (webinar))
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Assigning Certain Federal Environmental Responsibilities to the State of Maine, Including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Authority for Certain Categorical Exclusions (CEs) (FHWA (Notice; request for comments))
Public Land Order No. 7948; Extension of Public Land Order No. 7613; Withdrawal of Public Lands for a Runway Safe Zone, Nevada (Bureau of Land Management (Notice))
Air Plan Approval; Delaware; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (EPA (Proposed rule))
2025 Clean Air Excellence Awards Program (EPA (Request for Nominations, Correction))
Notice of Public Meeting of Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee (U.S. Geological Survey (Notice of teleconference Meeting))
Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment for Commercial Wind Lease Issuance on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf, Oregon (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (Notice of availability))
Request for Information Regarding Interregional and Offshore Wind Transmission (Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy (Request for information))