AASHTO Lauds Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (AASHTO News Release)
Fuel Efficiency, Electric Vehicle Mandates on the Horizon ( AASHTO Journal )
Booker Reintroduces Sweeping Environmental Justice Bill ( Senator Cory Booker (Media release))
Revived Trump reforms in infrastructure bill could be freight-project windfall ( American Shipper)
Pete Buttigieg And Michael Regan On What The Infrastructure Deal Does For The Climate ( NPR’s All Things Considered)
New Mexico to impose new rules on vehicle emissions, aims to curb greenhouse gas (Carlsbad Current-Argus )
Chicago Bus Shelters Monitor Air Quality ( ITS International )
AASHTO Suggests Changes to Section 401 of Clean Water Act ( AASHTO Journal )
The Darker Side of Tree-Planting Pledges ( CityLab )
Governor DeWine Announces $5 Million in H2Ohio Grants for Ohio River Basin Wetland Projects ( Office of the Governor, State of Ohio (Media release))
Moving Caltrans Into The Future Of Active Transportation ( ITE Talks Transportation (Podcast) )
After voted ‘Most Dangerous City for Driving,’ Dallas embraces Vision Zero goal to eliminate fatal crashes ( Spectrum News 1 )
Here’s how e-scooter unicorn Bird plans to use geofencing tech to protect pedestrians ( Silicon Canals )
Transit Leaders Praise Innovative On-Demand Programs ( Government Technology )
Agency of Transportation Awards $3.3 Million in Bicycle and Pedestrian Grants ( Vermont Agency of Transportation (Media release) )
Hawaii DOT & Partners Launch 12th Annual Statewide Pedestrian Safety Month ( Hawaii DOT (Media Release))
Environmental Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure Should Be Assessed for All Federally Funded Projects, Says New Report ( National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Media release))
Notice of Public Meetings Regarding ‘‘Waters of the United States’’; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Recommendations ( Corps of Engineers and EPA (Notice; announcement of public meeting dates and solicitation of preproposal feedback) )
Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category. ( EPA (Notice of rulemaking initiative) )
Public Hearing for Revised 2023 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards ( EPA (Notification of public hearing) )
FY 2021 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Passenger Ferry Grant Program (FTA (Notice of funding opportunity))
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program, Alaska ( Bureau of Land Management (Notice of intent) )
Marine Mammals; Incidental Take During Specified Activities; North Slope, Alaska ( Fish and Wildlife Service (Final rule) )
Alaska Region Supplement to Forest Service Manual 2720: Special Uses; Outfitting and Guiding Permit for Strictly Point-To-Point Commercial Transportation To, From, and Within the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center Subunit of the Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area ( Forest Service (Extension of comment period) )
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary; Announcement of Public Meetings (NOAA (Notice of virtual public meetings; correction))
Wyoming Regulatory Program ( Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (Proposed rule; opening of public comment period and opportunity for public hearing on proposed amendment))