MassDOT Announces SRTS ‘Bike Rack Grant’…
March 5, 2025The Massachusetts Department of Transportation recently revealed the winners of 2024-2025 “Bike Rack Grants,” awarded via its Safe Routes to More

Kansas DOT Issues ‘Safe Routes to…
February 26, 2025The Kansas Department of Transportation recently published its first ‘Safe Routes to School’ or SRTS Strategic Action Plan; a blueprint More

MnDOT Issues Active Transportation Planning Grants
February 5, 2025The Minnesota Department of Transportation recently noted that 10 cities statewide are receiving grants via its Active Transportation Planning Assistance More

WSDOT Helping Launch New E-Bike Rebate…
January 29, 2025The Washington State Department of Transportation is launching a new program in April designed to make electrically-powered bicycles or “e-bikes” More

Oregon Issues $31M in ‘Safe Routes…
January 22, 2025The Oregon Transportation Commission recently approved 28 Safe Routes to School projects, with a total investment exceeding $31 million, to help More

NCDOT to Help Establish Wake Forest…
January 22, 2025The North Carolina Department of Transportation is going to use federal grant funds to help the town of Wake Forest More

MassDOT Added 15 Miles of Shared…
January 15, 2025The Massachusetts Department of Transportation added roughly 15 miles of new shared use paths in 2024; expanding multimodal connectivity and More

FHWA Issues Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants
January 15, 2025The Federal Highway Administration recently issued $44.5 million in grants to 14 projects in 13 states and Puerto Rico via More

AASHTO Releases 5th Edition of Comprehensive…
December 18, 2024The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently released its “Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 5th More

Hawaii DOT Completes Leeward Bikeway Project
December 4, 2024The Hawaii Department of Transportation recently completed construction of the $15.7 million Leeward Bikeway; a dedicated bikeway within the former More

FTA Awards Transit Oriented Development Grants
November 5, 2024The Federal Transit Administration recently awarded nearly $10.5 million in grants to support the development and preservation of affordable housing More

Oklahoma DOT Issues More than $36M…
October 29, 2024The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is distributing more than $36 million in Transportation Alternatives Program or TAP funding to 43 More

Utah DOT Installing No-Touch Crosswalk Buttons
October 23, 2024To making crossing the street easier for those with disabilities, the Utah Department of Transportation is installing radar-enabled crosswalk buttons More

MassDOT Issues Alternative Transportation Grants
October 9, 2024The Massachusetts Department of Transportation recently issued nearly $3 million via its new Transportation Management Associations or TMA grant program More

Maryland DOT Developing ‘Landmark’ State Trail…
September 18, 2024The Maryland Department of Transportation is currently developing what it calls a “landmark action plan” to improve and expand trail More

Utah DOT Deploys LiDAR to Boost…
August 28, 2024The Utah Department of Transportation is using Light Detection and Ranging or LiDAR technology as a design tool to improve More

Illinois DOT Helps Change Rail Line…
August 14, 2024The Illinois Department of Transportation recently outlined in a blog post how it helped transform an old railroad line and More

New NCDOT Signal Policy Boosts Pedestrian…
August 7, 2024The North Carolina Department of Transportation recently adopted a new traffic signal policy that aims to boost pedestrian safety. [Above More

Active Transportation Project for Popular Tennessee…
June 12, 2024The Tennessee Department of Transportation is making travel near one of the nation’s most popular national parks a little easier More

TxDOT Developing Statewide Active Transportation Plan
May 22, 2024The Texas Department of Transportation is developing a Statewide Active Transportation Plan or SATP to gather recommendations for improving bicycling, More
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