The High Stakes of Infrastructure ( The New Yorker)
How Biden’s infrastructure win falls short in one big area ( Politico (Commentary))
Fact Sheet: What the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Will Mean for American Mobility ( USDOT (Media release))
Government Groups Voice Support COVID-19 Funding Flexibility (AASHTO Journal)
Executive Q&A: Biggest Lesson Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic ( Metro Magazine)
On the Horizon: Planning for Post-Pandemic Travel ( APTA (Media release))
The Detroit Smart Parking Lab: Mobility Meets Infrastructure ( Detroitisit)
America Isn’t Ready for the Electric-Vehicle Revolution ( New York Times (Editorial))
Hawaii Administrative Rules Changed To Allow Electric Vehicles To Use HOV Lanes (Hawaii DOT (Media release))
Ohio DOT Project Helping Revitalize Cleveland Neighborhood ( AASHTO Journal)
A state pollution trading program aims to improve air quality, but critics worry about environmental justice ( Delaware Public Media)
Despite calls to improve, air travel is still a nightmare for many with disabilities (NPR’s Morning Edition)
Like Basic Income, But for Transportation ( CityLab)
How we reported the story on highway displacements ( Los Angeles Times)
LA Metro Installs Early-Warning Earthquake Alerts ( Next City)
Think green – clean your vehicle at a car wash ( LI Herald (Editorial))
Commuting on a bike ( Washington State DOT)
Wyoming Pathways Seeks Project Ideas That Need Federal Funds ( Big Horn Radio Network)
There’s a New 750-Mile Bicycle Route in New York. Take a Look. ( New York Times)
Approval and Promulgation of State Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollutants; Colorado; Control of Emissions From Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (EPA (Final rule))
Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People; Technical Amendments (FAA (Technical amendments) ////br>////br>)
Notice of Intent To Conduct Scoping and To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary ( NOAA (Notice))
Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Gathering Pipelines: Extension of Reporting Requirements, Regulation of Large, High-Pressure Lines, and Other Related Amendments (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (Final rule))