Nebraska DOT Seeking Feedback on Carbon Reduction Plan

The Nebraska DOT is gathering public opinion on its proposed strategies for reducing transportation-related carbon dioxide emissions via an online survey.

[Above photo by Nebraska DOT]

That is the final part of the agency’s efforts to form a statewide Carbon Reduction Strategy or CRS by November 15; a deadline fixed by the Carbon Reduction Program or CRP as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act or IIJA enacted in 2021.

The CRP – a new federal program intended to fund surface transportation carbon emission reduction efforts – requires states to develop a CRS in consultation with metropolitan planning organizations by November 15.

The Nebraska DOT noted in a statement that the transportation sector is the second largest source of carbon emissions in the state, preceded by the electric generation sector.

Activities that contribute to those emissions include the burning of petroleum-based fuels in vehicles as well as from “infrastructure-related” emissions, such as from road construction activities and street lighting, it noted.

The agency said its CRS-development process will pinpoint strategies to reduce carbon that are “proven, effective, and context-sensitive” for Nebraska. 

Thus far, Nebraska DOT said it has completed “extensive internal research and interviews” regarding existing policies and activities contributing to carbon reduction, held individual consultations with each of Nebraska’s four MPOs, and distributed a survey to institutional partners.

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