ETAP Podcast: The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission

The latest episode of the Environmental Technical Assistance Program or ETAP podcast features Becky Bradley (above at left), executive director of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission or LVPC, to highlight her organization’s efforts spearheading environmentally sound and resilient transportation infrastructure projects in the Lehigh Valley region on eastern Pennsylvania.

[Above photo via the LVPC]

The ETAP podcast – an AASHTO technical service program for state departments of transportation– explores a wide array of environmental topics that affect transportation and infrastructure programs.

In this episode, Bradley details how LPVC – Metropolitan Planning Organization or MPO, originally formed in 1961 – coordinates transportation infrastructure projects with local community leaders and businesses. Their goal is to attain economic benefits and enhance the quality of life for the region while simultaneously protecting public health and the environment. To achieve this objective, LVPC offers a variety of resources and services – including technical assistance, research programs, and publications covering topics such as mapping through Geographic Information Systems or GIS, fitting local ordinances within comprehensive transportation plans, and much more. 

To listen to the full podcast, click here.

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