AASHTO President Millar: Resilience Key to Transportation (AASHTO Journal)
USDOT Issues $94M via New SMART Grants Program (AASHTO Journal)
"Reconnecting Communities" Funding Announced for New York State (Roads & Bridges)
US Fish and Wildlife Service Announces $20 Million in Grants to Support Boating Infrastructure, Local Communities and Outdoor Recreation (US Fish & Wildlife Service (media release))
Rural States Are Moving Ahead With EV Charging Infrastructure (Government Technology)
Louisiana Governor Unveils Online Dashboard for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Projects (Louisiana Governor’s Office)
8th Circuit delivers climate blow to Big Oil (E&E News)
Decarbonizing Transportation Via Natural Gas-Derived Ammonia Set to Disrupt Maritime Sector (Natural Gas Intelligence)
Solar project to reduce campus greenhouse gas emissions by 600 to 700 tons annually (University of Notre Dame (media release))
Viewing Urban Geography and History Through an Environmental Justice Lens (Columbia University)
NCDOT Wins Federal Grant to Expand Traveler Information (North Carolina DOT (media release))
There Is Much More Work to Do to Shift Cities Away from Cars (Government Technology (commentary))
What Makes a City Great? (New York Times (opinion) )
The East Coast Greenway - Connecting Maine To Florida For Walkers, Bikers (Cranford Radio (podcast))
America’s top 10 bicycle-friendly cities (American City & County)
Investment Could Up Walkability in Bangor, Maine (Bangor Daily News)
Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia, New Jersey Division Of Highway Traffic Safety To Create Innovative Center To Promote Traffic Safety Across State (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (media release))
Transportation Planning as a Tool for Migrant Integration (Association For Commuter Transportation (webinar))
FY 2023 Emergency Relief Grants for Public Transportation Systems Affected by Major Declared Disasters in Calendar Years 2017, 2020, 2021, and 2022 (FTA (Notice of availability of emergency relief funding))
Air Plan Approval; Wisconsin; Emissions Reporting and Infrastructure SIP Requirements (EPA (Proposed rule))
Notification of a Public Meeting of the Chartered Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and CASAC Ozone Review Panel (EPA (Notice))
Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Council; Request for Nominations (Fish and Wildlife Service (Request for nominations))
Land Between the Lakes Advisory Board (Forest Service (Notice of meeting))
Black Hills National Forest Advisory Board (USDA (Notice of meeting))
Notice of Competitive Offer for Solar Energy Development on Public Lands in Saguache County, CO (Bureau of Land Management (Notice))