Registration for AASHTO’s Washington Briefing Now Open ( AASHTO Journal)
State DOTs Look to Work with Secretary Buttigieg to Improve Americans’ Quality of Life ( AASHTO Journal)
New bills target federal dollars to U.S. transportation infrastructure improvements ( Transportation Today)
The Biden administration needs a climate migration coordinator ( The Hill (Opinion))
Webinar: Connecticut in Motion-Transit and COVID-19 – March 2 ( Hartford Business Journal)
Pipeline Ruling Bolsters Environmental Standard Trump Erased (Bloomberg Law)
TVA asks for public comments about proposed nuclear reactor site ( Oak Ridge Today)
Cheney introduces bill to recognize local interests in NEPA decisions ( Wyoming Tribune Eagle)
Tennessee Climate Office established at ETSU (Johnson City Press)
Utah Bill To Raise Electric Vehicle Fees By Up To 400% Sparks Debate On Air Quality And Road Usage ( KUER)
Saving Water Saves Energy and Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions ( UC Davis (Press release))
DC DOT Advancing Transportation Equity ( AASHTO’s ETAP Podcast)
Kelowna looks to offer exclusivity for e-bike-share operator, not e-scooters ( Lake Country Calendar)
Bikeshare could soon get federal transit dollars ( Greater Greater Washington)
SCDOT Adopts New “Complete Streets” Policy ( South Carolina DOT (Press release))
Planning and TDM (Part 1): An Engineer and a Planner Walk Into a Bar… ( Association For Commuter Transportation (Webinar) )
Verified: More Parking Puts More Cars on the Road (Sightline Institute)
Impacts of transportation network companies on urban mobility ( Nature Sustainability)
National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision (FHWA (Proposed rule; extension of comment period))
Agency Information Collection Activities; Hydrography Addressing Tool ( U.S. Geological Survey (Notice of Information Collection; request for comment)
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received; Google Research Climate and Energy Group (FAA (Notice))
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Construction of the South Fork Offshore Wind Project (National Marine Fisheries Service (Notice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; request for comments on proposed authorization and possible renewal))